Why join?Most members join a fly fishing club to learn the best ways to explore and fish local waters. Others join to meet other fly fishers with whom to share their passion or learn more about fly fishing other destinations only read or dreamed about. The Texas Hill Country Fly Fishers Club is dedicated to providing you all of these opportunities. If you or your family are just taking up the sport of fly fishing, or have been avid fly fishers for a number of years, the Texas Hill Country Fly Fishers Club will help develop your knowledge and skills. We will provide a number of fishing experiences that you can share locally with other fly fishers, and throughout the State of Texas. Join our club and learn where and when to fish our local waters. As a member you can also join our Trout Lease Program which provides great fishing just minutes away. In short, fly fishing can be the key that opens the door for a lifetime of outdoor family and friends memories. Club News
| Club HistoryAs far back as the early 1990's avid Kerrville, Texas area, fishermen kept crossing paths with other rod case carrying strangers in the San Antonio airport. Though headed in different directions, soon, they were no longer strangers. Fly fishing stories began to be shared, and just like that, the seeds of a fishing club were planted. In December 1994, Ted Schiwetz, Moore McDonough, Glenn McCullough, and Bill Emshoff organized the Hill Country Fly Fishers (HCFF) first meeting. Ted Schiwetz was elected the club's first President. In December 1997, the HCFF experimented with stocking 6" to 9" sized rainbow trout around Guadalupe River's Bear Creek Crossing. The trout thrived and began to grow, but poaching became an overwhelming problem. Several other more remote trout stocking areas were tried. Still, when the word got out, poachers again depleted the stock. But by December 2001, the HCFF had identified and leased their first private water, which is still used today. Meeting since 1997, by late 2000 Fredericksburg Texas residents, Martin Pursch, Larry Ottmers, and Mark Cole explored forming a local fly fishing club. So, in February 2001 fishermen began meeting at Martin Pursch's Country Fly Fisher Shop. Approximately 10 people attended the first meeting. The new club was called "The Heart of the Hills FlyFishers." Martin and Mark acted as co-leaders for the group with monthly meetings at Martin's Country Fly Fisher Shop In January 2002, The Heart of the Hills Fly Fishers became an officially organized club and elected its first officers. In 2005 the club changed its name to "The Fredericksburg Fly Fishers" (FFF). In 2006, the FFF and HCFF teamed up to co-manage an expanded Hill Country Trout Lease program. Rick Wilson accepted the position of Trout Lease Manager. Since its inception, each club has actively worked to teach responsible fly fishing in the community and promote fishing conservation in the Texas Hill Country. About 2020 it was realized that both clubs had grown toward common goals. So, it made good sense to join forces on a larger scale. In Dec 2020, HCFF and FFF Clubs voted to combine into what is now known as Texas Hill Country Fly Fishers. In January 2021 the new club became reality. Beginning with a membership of over 115 persons, the club now meets at varying locations to become more representative of all Hill Country fly fishermen and continues to grow. |