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Jan 31, 2025 - FLY TYING NIGHT - Texas Hill Country Fly Fishers

  • 01/31/2025
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Volunteer Fire Station, Waring TX 78074


Registration is closed

Fly Tying [ feat. Griffith's Gnat ]  - Friday Jan 31, 2025

Texas Hill Country Fly Fishers
All Fly Tiers Invited

6:30 pm - 8:30 pm @ the Volunteer Fire Station, Waring TX 78074
(Corner Waring Rd & N. Front St)

Griffith’s gnat, Bivisible dry flies &
Dry fly fishing discussion feat. Rick Wilson



This fly tying night, Rick Wilson will be demonstrating the Griffith’s gnat, and Bivisible (both similar in style).

The Griffith's Gnat imitates a lot of different insects. Created by George Griffith, one of the founders of Trout Unlimited, it's a buggy dry fly and can be fished a number of different ways. It looks like a tiny woolly bugger with no tail and has the same effect on fish. One of the best all-around Midge flies to have in your box. - Orvis

Griffith's Gnat


Dry Fly Discussion

These days, dry fly fishing is a technique that we don’t often see people using on the water. Despite this, it can be an effective and thrilling way to catch fish.

Rick is an experienced dry fly fisher, and will be answering any questions on all things dry fly fishing. This is a good opportunity for those who would like to learn an easy tie, and to learn about fishing dry flies. 

VOLUNTEERS: Any fly tier who wishes to assist or instruct - please contact Jack Bartel directly.  Email Jack

Vises and tools  are available for students but I encourage any instructors or students who have vises and tools to please bring them along as our current stock of vises and tools is limited. 

Additionally, if any of you have a fly you would like to share please know that you’re more than welcome to do so. 

- Jack Bartel  


Experienced tiers will be present to teach new and more experienced tiers, or answer with any fly tying questions you may have to the best of our abilities. 

  • Bring spare flies for the "Club's Fly Library". 
  • Simple snacks and drinks will be provided at tying night. Attendees are also welcome to bring hot or cold food or drink to share. 
  • (Space will be provided, weather and light permitting, to practice or demonstrate casting. Experienced casters will gladly present to help.)
  • Material, vises, tools, and material will be provided for new tiers. 

Notes from Jack Bartell, THCFF fly-tying leader 

"I'm an avid fly angler and fly tier. I especially enjoy tying flies designed for our Hill Country waters by local friends and fly fishers. And even more, enjoy fishing these flies for native fish. Our Club sponsors the "3rd Thursday" fly-tying night in Waring, TX (only a few hundred yards from the Guadalupe River). I hope to see you there.  

More info, meeting suggestions, or donations contact  
Jack Bartell; Jack53wb@gmail.com; text 830-446-9071

Mailing Address

Texas Hill Country Fly Fishers
PO Box 3002
Fredericksburg, TX 78624

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Contents Property of Texas Hill Country Fly Fishers Club © 2024  -  Oktoberfisch™ 
PO Box 3002, Fredericksburg, TX  78624 - Non-profit  #26-2156811


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